Facing All the Facts action and research on hate crime
In recent years, the European Commission, the EU Fundamental Rights Agency, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and others have developed policy, guidelines and capacity building activities focused on increasing the reporting of and improving the recording of hate crime in Europe and beyond. Data and information about hate crime’s prevalence and impact is perennially limited and cross country comparisons on prevalence and impact are almost impossible. No country is able to reliably answer questions such as how many hate crime are there? Who is most affected? What is the impact, and how well are we doing to address and prevent the problem? At the same time, there is enough data to tell each country that there is a serious problem that needs attention and action.
Three law enforcement agencies, and 6 civil society organisations across 6 countries worked in close partnership to explore these questions further and to distil and share its findings in ways that can help CSOs, policy makers, police and criminal justice agencies to improve their own recording and monitoring, to improve cooperation and ultimately to increase access to safety, support and justice for victims. The results are:
- new methods for inter-institutional facilitation and capacity building,
- six national reports and a thematic European Report,
- three national police online learning programmes (Hungary, Italy and England and Wales)
- 7 online modules about hate crimes targeting the following communities:
CEJI-A Jewish contribution to an inclusive Europe was the lead partner.
The National Police Chiefs’ Council, The Irish Network Against Racism (INAR), The Community Security Trust, The Center for Information and Documentation Israel, (The Netherlands) Movimiento Contra la Intolerencia (Spain), The Observatory for Security Against Acts of Discriminaton (OSCAD, Italy), The National University for Public Services (Hungary) and the European Network for Independent Living (ENIL) were full partners.
Facing all the Facts project was funded by the European Union Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (JUST/2015/RRAC/AG/TRAI/8997) and ran until December 2019. Although the project is over, the work and partnerships continue!
There are many developments at the EU policy level through the EU High Level Group on Combatting Racism, Xenophobia and other forms of Intolerance in the areas of understanding and improving hate crime reporting, victim support and training. We are making sure that the Facing all the Facts’ research findings and online learning programmes are being considered as part of this work.
Find out more about our online and in-person learning and capacity building programmes here.